Archive for January, 2015

The versatility of the tableaus, and the fervour at Rajpath;
mesmerize the heart and soul of each proud patriot.
With valour being rewarded, and unity in diversity on parade;
the spirit of the republic lives on, never to dim or fade!

With the past guiding us, we strive to be a better nation;
one that believes in principles, and also tangible action.
The present beckons us to rise as one voice, beyond the symbolic;
to sustain this sovereign, socialistic, secular, democratic republic!

As the nation celebrates its glorious constitution;
and a journey so path-breaking it redefines definitions.
May the voices of the suppressed rise in an omniscient song;
and may we realize the full potential of a billion strong throng!

Happy 66th Republic Day to all Indians! 😃

It was but a dream,
fickle and fragile.
Surreal did it seem,
and yet so tactile!

It crept up utterly unseen,
akin to a ghastly ghost.
Unwarned and serene,
my mind a warm host.

Deep seeds it did sow,
assured of selfless care.
For shrewdly did it know,
the allure of its lair!

Intoxicating my heart,
it consumed my soul.
Like flames in a hearth,
incomplete yet whole!

Trapped beyond hope,
no escape was in sight.
Vanished every rope,
with each dying light.

With each faith tarnished,
and sanity rendered insane.
Resigned and vanquished,
my spirit began to wane!

The end seemed near,
I could feel death’s grip.
Crippling was the fear,
each breath a taxing trip!

And then I was drowning,
bidding life a final adieu.
With memories sighing,
aspirations a helpless crew.

I wake up with a start,
panic driving each pore.
With heartbeats at a dart,
hazy is reality’s shore!

How am I still alive?
so real did it all seem.
My very soul it did rive,
it was but a dream!

Their art denounces what some hold utterly dear;
With unabashed expression, sans any constraint or fear.
They draw cartoons which mock sacred deities;
And pen down words incompliant with conventional treatise.

Their books are burnt, their paintings are torn;
Criticized and attacked, they wear a crown of thorns.
Banished from their homelands, they’re citizens with no home;
Because they dare to cross some lines, through each poem.

If their art threatens someone’s faith or shakes its strength;
What kind of faith is it, shattered by opinions’ dent?
If someone’s God is offended by a satirical jibe;
What sort of God is it, and how can it lead any tribe?

It’s not any faith or God, but widespread intolerance;
Which endeavours to crucify free speech’s bastions.
And spills innocent blood in the name of religion;
Only to see the mavericks of freedom rise back like a legion.

Because art mirrors reality, and expression is infinite;
The pencil and the brush succumb to no one’s might.
No barriers, no censorship, no borders, and no restraint;
Can stem the flow of free speech, or belittle it with taint!

For artists are a persevering lot, they don’t ever quit;
Theirs is a faith that can pass through fire, and yet persist.
The crown of thorns which adorns their visages;
Cannot hold them back, or confine their art’s passage.

For one can burn their books, but not their thoughts;
Unbroken and priceless, their souls cannot be bought.
Because their art is sacred, there’s power in each stencil;
Despite each assault, grows mightier the spirit of the pencil!

No oasis of summer songs in the vast iceland white;
Long was the winter, longer still the star less nights.
With dark and chilling environs dampening every spirit;
Hope was a long forsaken bird, merciless hounds had killed it!

Under the reign of ice, fires were but a fleeting dream;
Desired yet unattainable, akin to an imagination extreme.
The elderly had given up, with loss and grief galore;
The young had never learnt to hope, of blue skies and distant shores!

There was a time when the glorious summers had bloomed;
When daisies and daffodils had soothed every wound.
Stars had shined, springs had meandered, light and love had found no dearth;
Tempests of hatred and prejudice had not yet invaded mother Earth!

And then arrived the winter, desolating all signs of the bloom;
From thoughts to whispers, shadows and sighs began to loom.
Peace became a dead dove, when the collective conscience died;
On deaf ears fell all pleas for kindness, with compassion sacrificed!

From amongst the corpses, rose a formidable darkness;
Fuelled by the death of hope, a seemingly perpetual sadness.
Since every soul’s inner fire lost its bright and lively spark;
A lament of chaos threatened to leave an indelible mark!

All troughs give way to peaks, such is nature’s cyclical balance;
Despite hearths ceasing to roar and hearts trapped in a diabolical trance.
For when hope is torn asunder, and souls raped and shattered;
Only the first step towards light may reassemble the pieces scattered!

Ceaseless though the winter seemed, spring did eventually arrive;
Each hearth that had lost its flames burnt afresh, with a rejuvenated drive.
For the souls that had seen the bottom of the pit could only look ahead;
To heal the bruises the stormy nights had left, hope’s paths they did tread!

The hourglass turned, the trance ended, the clouds melted away;
Like drops of water in a desert, the sun and sky entered the fray.
For when each suppressed soul decided to overwhelm the darkness within;
Hope sang again, the dead dove was reborn, each sigh became a grin!

Courageous and vibrant, she is a force of nature;
She’s brilliant and beautiful, a learner and a teacher.
Versatile and kind, intriguing, passionate, and sublime;
She can lead a nation, and caress an ethereal rhyme!

She’s the epitome of loyalty, patience, and wisdom;
And yet ferocious like a tempest, she’s a worshipper of freedom.
Endowed with intellect, she shines with an eternal spark;
She’s a voice of sensibility and reason in the dark!

With all the lemons that life presents in her ventures;
She makes lemonade, and rises back from every failure.
Against all odds, she sees hope even where there is none;
A persevering traveller, she finds smiles amidst gloomy turns!

She does not comply to conventions, or accept pigeonholes;
Carving her own trail, she tirelessly pursues her goals.
Armed with ceaseless belief and incredibly rare grit;
She traverses each bend in the road, she’s a fearless and free spirit!

“Oh honey, you have grown up so much since I last saw you. I can barely recognize you!”, said Iris’s grandmother to her when they met each other after a decade.

“This was our happy place: the sanctuary of our dreams and fears; the place where we used to play from dusk till dawn, losing ourselves in the secluded magic of its embrace. And yet, now it is but another parking lot. It’s funny how it’s still the same, and yet so very different!”, sighed Sana, as she and Neil glanced with longing at the orchard  that didn’t exist anymore.

“Why haven’t you been returning my calls and messages? We’ve been friends for six years!”, I said to Suhana. She replied, “I didn’t think it prudent to stay in touch. It was not a real friendship, just an illusion.”

I’ve often wondered how and why trees in bloom lose their vigour, places holding moments frozen in their confines transform into unrecognizable vistas, treasured friends become strangers, and strangers become irreplaceable parts of our lives. And though the answer to these questions is as eternal as eternity itself, it is simultaneously fascinating and saddening; because there’s just no making peace with the cruelty of transience. Transience does, by its very definition, shed light on everyone and everything that should matter to us. And yet, since everyone and everything is transient; one may beg the question: ‘Why bother at all? Why get attached to beloved pets, or mother saplings in one’s garden? Why endeavour to freeze hugs and kisses in time’s immortal sands? Why pay any heed whatsoever to building lasting bonds? Why indeed!’ Because no matter how tight our grit and grip are; people, places, and things we hold dear and consider permanent fixtures of our very being may, without so much a warning, vanish from our lives like the grains of an hourglass, uncontrolled and unstoppable!

At this point, this musing may appear to be a depressing diatribe about how capricious circumstances are; but I assure you it is neither depressing nor a diatribe. It is, instead, a truthful (and yet inevitably subjective) reflection on the significance of moments and change. I find change intoxicatingly beautiful; it’s somehow crippling and yet encouraging to the object of the metamorphosis. It makes the one undergoing the transformation discover parts of themselves hitherto unbeknownst to them. The downside, however, is that it’s almost always an unanticipated cannonball which hits one with a force that is overwhelming and beguiling. And though we know that things and people are, in essence, helpless puppets of change and transience; we never really find ourselves prepared to deal with the onslaught of their betrayal and estrangement, so to speak. More often than not, we are enchanted by the illusion that somehow our friends, our families, our schools, our gardens, our books, our music, our tastes, and our habits are invulnerable to the omniscience and omnipotence of transience; that we shall endure against the vicissitudes of time and tide. We are delusional; and it is this very delusion which makes us lose sight of brief yet indelible moments transpiring in the present, in the blind pursuit of a future that is as uncertain as uncertainty!

Hindsight is an insanely gifted teacher, but its methods are questionable and often paralysing. There’s no point in regretting having missed your granddaughter’s formative years and not being able to recognize her when you meet her, nor in mourning the loss of that sacred little orchard adjacent to your school where you spent countless afternoons without a care in the world, or in grieving when a close (and old) friend suddenly discounts the bond you share with her/him as an illusion which she/he finds imprudent to continue. There’s no point in harbouring illusions of a permanent reality, in worshipping hindsight, and letting precious moments pass you by! Life is brief, and full of more bends than can be feasible for anyone to meander. Transience is real, painfully and obviously so, and there’s no point playing peek-a-boo with the glaring truth.

Appreciate what is happening at the moment, people you have the privilege of calling your own right now, things which give you hope and joy; because these moments are all that you shall ever have. Cuddle that beloved pet, mother the saplings in your garden, freeze hugs and kisses in time, foster bonds (no point bothering about the ‘lasting’ aspect)! And carpe the diem with the knowledge that in this moment, with said people, at said places; you are, despite the omniscience and the omnipotence of transience, living life more unabashedly than the grains of time. In this moment, you are free of the chains of the past and the tempests of the future. You are, in all the senses of the word, alive! And on this note, this musing shall end. Because I have to go cuddle my books (don’t have a pet yet), hug my sister, kiss my parents, laugh with abandon at the silly messages my friends excel at drafting, and the sillier still replies that I seem to have mastered! Carpe diem! Peace out!

When the last leaves wither away,
and all the colours fade into oblivion;
Moments will be all we have left,
in time’s ceaseless and transient fray!

Do not hold back spontaneous smiles,
or let constraints eclipse your flight;
When you seize every little moment,
your soul shall never lack radiant files!

The pen shall endure!

The pen shall endure!

They try to silence the mighty pen,
To instil a sense of crippling fear.
They aim at curbing free speech,
Saying the end is extremely near!

They murder innocent human beings,
Calling the crime an act of revenge.
They massacre kids and adults alike,
Like hunters with a ceaseless range!

They think they honour a faith,
That their actions are justified.
But they are highly mistaken,
Their psyches utterly mystified!

For neither the pen will be silenced,
Nor shall free speech ever be curbed.
The fear they endeavour to spread,
Is but a mere mirage incurably absurd!

For they can only slaughter bodies,
Souls are forever beyond their reach.
As long as we keep fighting back,
Our spirits they can never breach!

The plight of the masses, their anger and pain;
Shall drown the powers that be, like torrential rain.
They can’t be stopped now, they’ve borne too much;
It’s their time to speak out, ride into the battle with clutch!

Suppressed, ignored, and submerged for too long;
Finally, their anguish has delivered a cataclysmic song.
No longer will they succumb to tolerance and patience;
The barriers have fallen, a revolution has begun hence!

Only a just cause can inspire billions, and evoke their passions;
To unite, think together, and find real solutions.
The spark’s ignited, and the sufferers rise as one voice;
To seek answers, cease the impasse, and make a definitive choice!

A change will come, the change they’ll bring and oversee;
Usurpers of the combined trust shall face the collective decree.
Won’t err, won’t fall, won’t bear any more the abuse of authority;
It’s their endeavour to be heard, to fulfil their responsibility!