Archive for August, 2017

Have you ever wondered what happens when
a river pauses to ask herself the reason why
she traverses the treacherous path from
the mountain that gives her birth and shape
to the ocean which swallows her every sigh?
For when she ponders this inexplicable why,
does she succeed in finding an answer that
conforms with rationale, or does she realise
that her journey is not conscious and deliberate –
that she falls with abandon from the lofty womb
of her origin because that is how she breathes,
how she traces the contours of her being
before her soul is buried in her oceanic tomb. 
Is this breathing logical or is it simply what she does
without meaning to, sans any tangible effort;
Does every action need the garb of logic
to have its occurrence make sense –
Doesn’t inherent purpose, invisible though it is,
rise above the restraints of logic, to suffice?!

I have oft wondered why words are my best pals,
how they always seem to wrap my soul
in the warmest of embraces sans any tangible grasp,
managing to somehow lovingly heal the scars
that torment me, so I may once again be whole.
For when I ponder this tempestuous why,
the first notion that comes to mind is
that I do not know the origin of this friendship,
or recall the moment when it became
an indelible part of all I am, or will ever be;
What is as clear as a cloudless sky though
is that words put seamless wings on my spirit,
enabling it to really listen, feel, live and see!
Is this love constrained by logic or is it simply what I do
without trying to, sans any apparent cause;
Does this intimate dance with words need
the floor of equations to prove its worth –
Doesn’t the fact that I write because I breathe
eclipse the fear of solitude in the face of any hardship?!